
The Submissive List

I'm a writer and a Liberated Entrepreneurship practitioner who talks about why submitting to change is critical for our individual and collective liberation. I'd love for you to join the conversation.

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I think we should talk about systemic humiliation

It's my birthday week so naturally I am thinking about humiliation. I am thinking about humiliation as a system. An oppressive one. To humiliate someone is to: reduce them to a lower position in one's own eyes or others' eyes; to make someone feel ashamed or embarrassed. When we talk about oppressive systems, we rarely talk about how they are designed to humiliate certain groups as a means of maintaining a certain social and economic hierarchy. We don't talk about how humiliation is a key...

yellow and black round logo

Photo by Jon Tyson I need you to know something. I need you to know that it's okay to be a beginner. In this whole political activism, local and global solidarity, and community thing. It's okay to be a beginner. Because the truth is that many of us are brand new to this space. Many of us are not seasoned political organizers and we don't know the first thing about community building. Many of us were living relatively comfortable lives and were blissfully unaware of the world's problems until...

a large cliff with a lighthouse on top of it

Photo by tabitha turner Hi there, I'm frowning at my computer screen right now, which is crazy because in the background my lover is standing in the kitchen making me some extremely involved pork shoulder with fried rice fried in the pork shoulder grease dinner that is definitely going to be delicious. All this after we engaged in activities that required me to settle in for a long afternoon nap where I was greeted with water and snacks upon waking. But I'm still frowning. Because this just...

woman reading a book while sitting on black leather 3-seat couch

Photo by Seven Shooter That photo up there is absolutely me every single night. If you don't know, I'm a voracious reader. And I read it all. Erotica. Fantasy. Sci-fi. Nonfiction. History books. History of law books. Political theory. Public policy. Sociology. Psychology. Astrology. I fucking read it all and I love it all. And when I read a book that's really, really good, I usually can't shut up about it. If you're on my other newsletter for The Everyday Lawyer and/or you've talked to me in...

Photo by Annie Spratt Hi boo boos, I have an Aries stellium so I'm low-key a burgeoning expert on anger. And I have a very high capacity for violence. For example, last night I was reading my latest sci-fi, fantasy, erotica novel and the main character killed her stepbrother in the most deliciously violent way. You see, he had just been named king and had an absurd plan to try to whip her into submission. The problem is that she's secretly bonded to an extremely powerful immortal character...

Photo by Sarah Dorweiler Hi beloveds, Let me start with some housekeeping: my emails have been going to the junk folder in your inbox. If you check right now, most of you will have 2 emails, one from June 10th and another from June 18th in your junk folder. This happened because Google officially transferred its domain business to Squarespace at the end of May/beginning of June and it messed up some tech on the backend and your girl's writing was categorized as "junk" by the algorithms (woe...

Photo by Steve Busch Hi friend, There are some things we fundamentally do not understand as folks living in the Western "civilized" world. And one of those things is the actual cost of things. In case you haven't been paying attention, the capitalist class heavily relies on our insatiable appetite for consumption amongst other things to make lots and lots of money. We're brainwashed from a very early age to "keep up with the Joneses," which by the way, who the fuck is the original Jones...

Photo by Nicholas Sorrenti Hi friend, I've been thinking a lot about Palestine lately (what else is new?). But specifically, I've been thinking about the relationship between Palestine and Israel as a microcosm of the relationship between the colonized and the colonizer. If you happen to be from the global majority, then you're likely to feel the truth of today's words in your very bones. Because it will never not be top of mind and top of spirit that the same methods Israelis, with the aid...

Photo by Aswin Hi Reader, Most people who subscribe to this newsletter are femme-identifying and/or nonbinary. So today I'm going to write a post for the femmes based on some observations as of late. I'm pretty sure the one or two guys on this list won't mind since they've hung around for this long, but if this is what sets them over the edge, well, it's been a nice run babes. So let me tell you how I got here before I get into the what. I got here because The Everyday Lawyer Solidarity Fund...

Photo by Ron Szalata Hi Reader, TL;DR: I low-key hate it here right now and other musings I'm writing to you in a bit of a somber mood after experiencing a series of triggering events over the last 10 days or so. Not because I feel hopeless, but because the day I'm writing this is the day of my Bonus Grandma's funeral. Triggering event No. 1: My bonus Grandma died last Tuesday. Some of you may not know this about me, but I'm fortunate enough to have 6 grandparent figures in my life. My mom's...